Why Does Cremation Continue to Become Popular?

Posted on January 16, 2023 by Naugle Funeral Home & Cremation Services under Cremation
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cremation services in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL

You’re undoubtedly carefully analyzing the advantages of cremation against a traditional burial, just like many Americans. The Cremation Association of North America predicts that by 2018, more than 50% of Americans would be cremated, up from fewer than 4% in 1958. The huge shifts in many Americans’ religious expectations, geography, beliefs, and families are to blame for this sharp rise in popularity. Therefore, before you decide, think about the reasons why cremation makes sense for contemporary adults who are considering end-of-life decisions. And if you want a good cremation service, look for cremation services in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL.

Families Today Are More Mobile

Since most extended families lived close to one another for their whole lives, family plots in cemeteries and family graveyards were prevalent a century ago. Nowadays, making plans to be buried among your extended family makes less sense because cross-country moves are frequent. There’s no guarantee that kin will be able to visit your cemetery with any regularity, even if you desire to be buried in the family plot.

Also, cremation offers more flexibility when choosing the day of a memorial service. To attend an open casket funeral, the bereaved must travel soon after their loss.

It’s Possible That Cremation is More Environmentally Friendly

If you are worried about how a typical burial would affect the environment, you might also think about cremation. A significant amount of embodied energy is included in the metal and wood used to make caskets, often embalmed with substances known to cause cancer. There’s also the worry that there won’t be enough room for graves in the U.S. Between 2024 and 2042, 76 million Americans are anticipated to reach the average retirement age. It would take 130 square miles of ground to bury them all.

It’s crucial to understand that cremation does affect the environment. Cremation requires the same amount of energy you would use in one month.

The Expectations of Religion Have Changed

cremation services in Ponte Vedra Beach, FLMany modern churches now permit, or even encourage, cremation as an alternative to burial, unlike many religions that traditionally mandated a traditional funeral and burial as part of their religious precepts. For instance, cremation was prohibited by the Catholic Church until 1963, but today many Catholics consider cremation to be a theologically sound option.

Some churches have even constructed their columbaria to serve their members, which improves cremation’s convenience while providing people of faith with a location to preserve cremains reverently. If you desire cremation, you might wish to consider any potential theological repercussions with your spiritual leader, as some sects still mandate burials.

Other Customs are not Prohibited by Cremation

By selecting cremation, you’ve just chosen how your body will be handled after you pass away. With cremation, you can still decide to have an open-casket funeral or a ceremony before burying or burning your ashes.

Even if you decide against having your body embalmed, your family can still visit and say farewell. The decision to choose cremation is only a minor component of the overall planning process.

All these reasons made cremation more popular than the traditional way of burying the dead. Another reason is that cremation services are everywhere in the U.S., like the cremation services Ponte Vedra Beach, FL.


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